Josh Keatch

Hi, I'm Josh! I'm a middle distance runner from Perth, Australia


State Champion in the mens U20 1500m and looking to get more race experience on the national stage

Cherish every opportunity that you get - Nick Symmonds

What Inspires You

I am inspired by Athletes such as Tom Moorcroft and Kiran Tibballs who are very disciplined with their training and work exceptionally hard.

Big Goals

One day I want to represent Australia

Nutrition Tips

Best tips I have for nutrition is to hydrate well prior to an event and to have electrolytes post event to replace vital minerals as well as protein to assist in muscle repair.

Josh's Favourite Bindi Products

Sale! Bindi Protein Vanilla 500g

Bindi Organic Pea Protein

Sale! Bindilyte Tropical low carb Flavours

Bindilyte 120g

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