Michelle McGovern

Hi, I’m Michelle and I’m a triathlete from Perth, Western Australia


I’ve finished three Busso Half Ironman races, and the Port to Pub Swim in a team of six and a team of four, my first marathon last year (which terrified me but I completed) and am training for the Busso 100 with the view of my first ever Ironman in 2023 ... Given I really don’t like (aka have a fear of) ocean swimming I’m really proud of these achievements and goals!

If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours

What Inspires You

My kids are my inspiration and motivation to be better.

Big Goals

I want to complete a full Ironman in 2023.

Nutrition Tips

Making sure I get some protein in me within 30 minutes after a hard training session/race to ensure I can recover quickly .

Michelle's Favourite Bindi Products

Sale! Bindi Protein Vanilla 500g

Bindi Organic Pea Protein

Sale! Bindilyte Tropical low carb Flavours

Bindilyte 120g

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