The Importance of Sports Nutrition for Travelling Athletes

At Bindi Nutrition, we’re athletes ourselves, and we understand the importance of sports nutrition when we’re hitting the gym, training, and preparing for a race or competition. At home and within our familiar environment, we have everything we need to stay on track. But when it comes to travelling, leaving our regular routines can throw…

The Ultimate Guide to Protein

If you follow sports nutrition, then you certainly know that protein is an essential part of your daily diet. If you are an endurance athlete, you may not think of yourself as a body builder. Yet, your training load places significant demands on your body for maintaining, repairing and growing lean muscle mass. While carbohydrates may be your staple…

Size Does Matter: Food Portions

Athletes know the truth — size, at least portion size, truly does matter! When you’re an athlete — whether you’re training for a big event like a triathlon or simply trying to perfect your yoga form — you need more calories to get you through the day. That often means more significant portions, but not…

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