Katie Lovis

Hi, I'm Katie an ultra long distance trail runner from Margaret River, Western Australia.


I came second solo female in the Sandman 50k ultra and currently I am training for the Margaret River 80km ultra solo with many more ultra trail events on the horizon.

Pain is just weakness leaving the body - my old rowing coach used to often say that and it has always stuck with me. A good friend of mine also wakes up every day and says 'The world is lucky to have me' - that one makes me smile.

What Inspires You

So many people inspire me. I am fortunate enough to be on the board for the Margaret River Trail Runners so I get to meet amazing people all the time. For me, any one who gets up and gives something challenging a go is inspirational.

Big Goals

Larapinta long course solo in 2022 is a race I've always dreamed of doing, but MRU on May 1st is my current big goal.

Nutrition Tips

I have long suffered from GI issues in racing and training so I have been working really hard on it. Natural ingredients is probably one of the biggest things for me, if I don't know what something is on an ingredients list then I won't consume it basically. Also hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Katie's Favourite Bindi Products

Sale! Bindilyte Tropical low carb Flavours

Bindilyte 120g

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