High Protein

9 ways with protein powder

So, you got yourself a big bag of delicious protein powder and you want to increase your protein intake, but now you are are wondering how to use it? Don’t get stuck just mixing with water, here we have nine creative ways to use your protein and add variety to your diet.

tired woman exercising

Feeling tired? How to improve your sleep and recovery

We all know we feel better after a good night’s sleep.  But as athletes, while we are often highly committed to our training sessions and love to tick those completion boxes, the reality is that we don’t always prioritize our recovery in the same way.

girl with mixed fruits in a bowl

Easy Healthy Snacks

A lot of nutrition advice will focus on the big stuff like the macros of protein, carbohydrates, and fat, or what makes the perfect post training breakfast.  If you are on a decent training program and expending plenty of energy each day, you will likely need snacks between your meals too.  Snacks can go either way… they are often where discretionary or ‘treat’ foods start to sneak in, which can add empty calories without extra nutrients. Or we can look at snacks as a chance to really amp up our nutrition and to get extra goodies in every day.

man making recovery meal

What to eat after training?

The moment your training or workout finishes you enter the ‘recovery window’. The focus is to make the most of the training you’ve done, and then recover well so you can prepare for the next session.  The recovery window is all about replenishing glycogen stores, rebuilding muscle protein, supporting your immune system and replenishing fluids and electrolytes.  Let’s have a look at what to eat after training to maximise your recovery.

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