High Protein

9 ways with protein powder

So, you got yourself a big bag of delicious protein powder and you want to increase your protein intake, but now you are are wondering how to use it? Don’t get stuck just mixing with water, here we have nine creative ways to use your protein and add variety to your diet.

tired woman exercising

Feeling tired? How to improve your sleep and recovery

We all know we feel better after a good night’s sleep.  But as athletes, while we are often highly committed to our training sessions and love to tick those completion boxes, the reality is that we don’t always prioritize our recovery in the same way.

foot with shoes

The importance of nutrition for travelling athletes

Athletes will usually thrive around a routine of training and recovery including healthy nutrition and plenty of sleep.  At home and within our familiar environment, we have everything we need to stay on track. But when it comes to racing it can involve travelling, leaving our regular routines and disruption of sleep and even time zones.   So, how do we retain progress while on the road, and arrive in the best shape possible? Here are some of the best tools for staying on track with nutrition, even while you’re on the road.

girl with mixed fruits in a bowl

Easy Healthy Snacks

A lot of nutrition advice will focus on the big stuff like the macros of protein, carbohydrates, and fat, or what makes the perfect post training breakfast.  If you are on a decent training program and expending plenty of energy each day, you will likely need snacks between your meals too.  Snacks can go either way… they are often where discretionary or ‘treat’ foods start to sneak in, which can add empty calories without extra nutrients. Or we can look at snacks as a chance to really amp up our nutrition and to get extra goodies in every day.

man making recovery meal

What to eat after training?

The moment your training or workout finishes you enter the ‘recovery window’. The focus is to make the most of the training you’ve done, and then recover well so you can prepare for the next session.  The recovery window is all about replenishing glycogen stores, rebuilding muscle protein, supporting your immune system and replenishing fluids and electrolytes.  Let’s have a look at what to eat after training to maximise your recovery.


What does the future hold for hydration? | Bindi’s Triple Electrolyte Advantage©

The future of hydration is here with our Triple Electrolyte Advantage©. Electrolytes are quite simply, essential to life. They are minerals that carry an electric charge within liquids in the body such as blood. These electrolytes help regulate nerve and muscle function and maintain acid-base and water balance in the body. Essentially, they are responsible for controlling the shift of fluid in and out of cells in our body.

runner injured

Nutrition for recovery from injury

The health benefits of participating sports are both physical and mental and are well known to us all. Keeping physically active can benefit cardiovascular and bone health, aid in maintaining a healthy weight, and improve sleep and mental well-being. However, sport carries with it the risk of injury, and most of us will face an injury at some point. One study showed 3 out of 10 elite teenage athletes reported injuries each week. Recovery from injury can be complex and rehabilitation requires physical therapy and nutritional plays a vital role too.

protein bars

Are Protein Bars Healthy?

Protein bars have become hugely popular as a way of consuming protein in a quick and convenient snack. Gone are the days of the humble muesli bar; the protein bar has firmly taken over supermarket shelves and gym bags. We are using them for recovery, weight loss, convenience, meal replacement and snacking. Let us take a closer look at what is in your protein bar, and decide if it really is benefiting your health?

plant protein sources

The Power of Protein

Here we delve into the the power of protein. If you are an endurance athlete, you may not think of yourself as a body builder. Yet, your training load places significant demands on your body for maintaining, repairing and growing lean muscle mass. While carbohydrates may be your staple fuel, there is a time and a place for protein in your diet.

Five Facts You May Not Know About Protein

Exercise and protein go hand in hand  as it is an essential nutrient to help you to perform your best both in training and at work. When exercising, the presence of adrenaline and absence of insulin results in muscle proteins breaking down to release amino acids. Protein is need after training in order to repair…

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