How to avoid the medical tent; what doctors wish you knew about race day

As athletes we prepare ourselves physically and mentally for the huge challenge that is an endurance event such as Ironman.  However, there is also a lot of work going on behind the scenes of the event to ensure that you are well cared for and as safe as possible on the day.  At the forefront…

Do one-percenters really work in nutrition? Ask the sports dietitian…

Spend some time around athletes and you’ll soon realise we talk about nutrition… a lot.  Of course, everyone uses something different, everyone has the ‘one thing’ that they swear by which makes all the difference to their race day.  And while we should all be striving to create a targeted and personalised training and race…

Sarah Thomas

Sarah has a laid back and determined approach which is typical of many successful triathletes in Australia; however as with many high achievers it is overcoming adversity that has seen her emerge stronger and faster than ever.  This pocket rocket came to Australia from Wales for a holiday dive job on the Great Barrier Reef……

Want to have a breakthrough in sport? Learn how to optimise your time

I need to start by saying, I love being organised.  I get a buzz from beautiful diaries, and I love to #konmari my linen cupboard.  So just putting it out there – this post is not for everyone.  It is not for the ‘go with the flow’ types or the ‘dabblers’… this is for the…

Meet Jack; the Ninja Warrior turned Ironman

We have some truly exceptional athletes in our #bindicrew, and it is always inspiring to hear their achievements and challenges along the way. Jack Wheatley was inspired as he watched some TV highlights of the Ironman Hawaii Word Championships.  He felt the initial buzz of the challenge, and after reading online about the journey most…

5 things most people aren’t aware of about becoming vegetarian

As people become more aware of the health benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables, there is a growing global trend towards plant-based diets.  In the past, identifying as vegan or vegetarian was often viewed as extreme or just weird, but now all that is changing as it becomes more popular and mainstream.  Australia is…

The top 10 Questions that beginners always ask about sports nutrition

Last weekend saw Busselton come alive with thousands of runners and swimmers in town for the annual Fun Run and Jetty Swim.  It is an absolute buzz and one of our favourite events of the year.  Setting up our Bindi stall on the foreshore at the finish line of the fun run meant that we…

Are sports drinks harming your health?

Have you ever noticed that icky, irritable feeling after eating too much sugar?   A few too many lollies or a sweet dessert and you quickly get that familiar surge of sweet energy.  However, that feeling can be soon followed by a crash, where you start to feel more hunger, irritability, fatigue and poor concentration. …

What’s the difference between dairy and plant proteins?

You only need a quick check online and it seems there is an overwhelming mountain of information and products available in the nutrition world.  We seem to have so many options, and are bombarded with info at every turn when it comes to endurance nutrition. Here at Bindi, we spend a lot of time at…

The nutrition year that was – 10 lessons learnt in 2018

As we enter a new year with enthusiasm and new goals, January is the perfect time to reflect over the past 12 months.  Here’s my take on what we saw in nutrition last year and the lessons learnt, giving us an idea of what we can expect to see more of in the year ahead….

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