Is my supplement contaminated?

In recent weeks there has been plenty of discussion regarding drugs in sport, and a common theme is the issue regarding safety of supplements.  As an athlete myself and as the director of a sports nutrition company, I don’t propose to have all the answers to the issues that have arisen.  I am however well…

The three essential steps in sports nutrition: PART 3: Nourish

Heavy training can take a huge toll on your immune system, with both acute (short term) effects, and also chronic or long term consequences. Immunologists explain that there is an ‘open window’ of impaired immunity after considerable exertion which can last anywhere from 3 hours to 3 days, depending on the level of  effort.  This…

The three essential steps in sports nutrition: PART 2: Recovery

As an athlete you do all of the things regular people do like work, spend time with family and friends, and make sure you generally have clean clothes and all the chores that go along with every day life. Then, add in some long training hours, a gym session, a physio appointment and whoah, there…

The three essential steps in sports nutrition: PART 1: Fuel up

Are you putting a lot of hard work and time into training for an event, but don’t know where to start with nutrition?  Or perhaps you have tried some nutrition, but there are so many options out there you’re not sure what’s best, what you need and how to use it?  Here at Bindi, I…

What does ‘natural’ even mean, and what are the benefits to you?

‘Natural’ is a term very widely used in food and nutrition and can its definition can vary, but essentially it means ‘existing in or derived from nature’.  More specifically, food and products labelled as natural do not contain artificial ingredients or preservatives.  So, what are the benefits of ‘natural’ and how do we apply it…

Our top 9 strategies for eating out as an athlete

Eating out. It can be a heap of fun to go out for a meal with family or friends… but if your focus is on health eating then it can occasionally get a bit tricky. Add in some special dietary requirements and your options can become pretty limited, and worse still you risk become the…

Why you need strength and nutrition to reach your body goals

We all know by now that cardio is good for your heart and you will lose weight doing it… right?!  Well, a common myth around endurance athletes is that if you train enough, the weight will literally just fall off and come race day you will be lean, ripped and photo ready! It turns out…

For the love of triathlon…meet the inspiring Jo Smith

Meet Jo Smith… mum of four, full time Asset Manager, coach, mentor and 9-time-Ironman.  Sounds like she has a lot going on right?  Well as if that isn’t enough, Jo has been accepted to race Ultraman Canada in 2020, which is a three day triathlon event covering 10km of swimming, 421km of cycling and 84km…

3 things AFL players know about game day nutrition that you should too

With the AFL season well underway, many of us are launching into pre-season training for our own favourite winter sport.  Of course, the professional players kicked off their pre-season months ago, and are extremely well prepared for the demands of the game.  West Coast Eagles midfielder Andrew Gaff regularly clocks up over 15km of running…

The #1 (underutilised) recovery tool that you are already doing every day

To be honest, we all know we feel better after a good night’s sleep.  But as athletes, while we are often highly committed to our training sessions and love to tick those completion boxes, the reality is that we don’t always prioritize our recovery in the same way. Is sleep really that important? (ie, I…

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