Sports Nutrition and the FODMAP Diet

In sports nutrition, understanding how foods react with your body is the key to boosting your endurance. A low FODMAP diet is a great way to do just that!

Top Ten Pre-Workout Snacks

If you’re looking for a snack to get your body ready for your workout, you might be wondering what’s best for you. Lucky for you, Australian sport nutrition experts have ten great snacks you can try pre-workout to give you more energy, prevent muscle catabolism, and increase muscle growth. Basically, to help get the most…

Electrolytes: Essential to life

Electrolytes: Essential to life Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge when they are dissolved in a liquid such as blood. The blood electrolytes—sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate—help regulate nerve and muscle function and maintain acid-base balance and water balance, essentially controlling the shift of fluid in and out of cells.  These minerals derived from the earth’s crust,…

What’s so super about Supergreens?

We might all debate what the perfect ‘healthy’ diet is, but we know that eating whole-foods including a wide range of nutrients and avoiding sugar and processed foods is vital.  While we might aim for the perfect diet, it’s not always that easy.

Whether it’s a heavy training load, lack of access to fresh produce, or little time to prepare fresh food, we can sometimes miss out on vital nutrients.  Supergreens powders are an easy way to increase your daily nutrients, so let’s explore the benefits they can bring to your health and immune function.

Boost your immune system to avoid illness

Boost your immune system to avoid illness As we face new and unique health challenges, our immune system is the first line of defence.  Therefore, people with compromised immunity are most at risk such as people with chronic diseases or the elderly. Although we can’t do anything about our age, there are many things we…

The pros of plant protein

by Issi Brookes ~ Feb 2020 Protein is an essential macro-nutrient that helps build muscle, repair tissue, and make enzymes and hormones in our bodies.  Basically, it is one of the building blocks of our bone, muscle, and skin and is an important component of almost every cell in the body.  Eating adequate amounts of…

Got an event? Here’s how sponsorship and nutrition works with BINDI

Summer in Australia might be beach weather and time for holidays… but for sports enthusiasts it is often race season! Every weekend is a triathlon, an open water swim, a fun run or criterium it seems.  This all makes us VERY busy at BINDI over this time of year (which is what we live for,…

Nutrition Insights – the Top Trends of 2019

2020 is underway and with that comes a renewed sense of vigour and enthusiasm.  Goals are set, race plans are made, and many resolutions include improved nutrition and body composition. January is the perfect time to reflect on the 2019 lessons learnt in nutrition, so we can take what works as we move into the…

Simple hydration tips for summer

As summer hits Australia, here are our top five tips for keeping hydrated and some guidelines on when it’s a good idea to use a sports drink! … SHOP ELECTROLYTES AND HYDRATION HERE

What causes cramping… and how to avoid it?

We’ve all felt it at some point… that intensely painful and involuntary muscle contraction we know only too well as cramp.  Some people rarely get cramps… whereas others will have a crippling cramp just by pointing a toe in the water and seem to be more prone to them on a regular basis.  It’s natural…

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