Beat the Christmas Bulge

It’s the festive season, so naturally Christmas parties and celebrations are in full swing.  As we gather with family and friends – many for the first time since last Christmas there will be plenty of food, food and probably more food. From turkey and hams to sweet treats and gingerbread houses, Christmas certainly doesn’t disappoint….

Why Everyone Is Obsessed With Our New Hot Chocolate

There’s nothing more comforting then a cup of hot chocolate. Pair it with your favourite book and it’s the perfect addition to your relaxation routine. Our latest Bindi release has some very special ingredients and you can discover why everyone is obsessed with our new hot chocolate. As with all of our Bindi products we’ve…

The Link Between Magnesium And Good Health Explained

When it comes to nutrients calcium, protein, carbohydrates and fats are often the first that come to mind, however did you know that magnesium is one of the most beneficial yet under consumed nutrients? Here’s the link between magnesium and good health. Magnesium is one of many minerals that fall under the umbrella term ‘micro-nutrient’. A…

The Link Between Vitamin D and Sunshine

You wouldn’t be wrong in thinking that the way that we get our nutrients is through our diet. However, did you know that Vitamin D is in fact formed by the action of sunlight on our skin. Vitamin D is necessary for strong bones and a good immune system to name a few. Read on…

Eat Your Way To A Healthier Summer

Summer is here! For many of us this means it’s time for a well-deserved vacation and some relaxation with a cocktail preferably in hand. Pool side parties, BBQ’s, Christmas (if you’re in sunny Australia), there’s no shortage of endless fun during the summer months. However, you may find that summertime is when all your healthy…

The Best Hydrating Foods

We’ve heard it time and time again that to stay hydrated we need to drink 8 glasses of water a day.  It is also possible to get plenty of hydration and electrolytes through foods too. Throw in a busy schedule, a never-ending to do list and all the other stressors of day to day life…

No-Nonsense Hydration Tips For Summer

‘Just one more cocktail, then I’ll switch to water’ – sound familiar? We all know that hydration in summer is important, but we’be all been caught out before. You’re enjoying time spent outdoors with your friends whether that be going on hikes, hanging out at the pool, enjoying a picnic or even travelling to the…

How Caffeine Improves Exercise Performance

Caffeine has been show to consistently improve exercise performance, and up until 2004 it was on WADA’s banned list.  Although we think mostly of coffee, caffeine is found in many foods and beverages, and so monitoring and testing can be a problem.  Caffeine is also metabolised at different rates in people, and so a simple…

How To Say Mentally Healthy During Isolation

This year has seen some abrupt and significant changes to our daily life and routine. Some of us are facing extended periods of isolation and restrictions. We are all facing uncertainly and disruption to ‘normal’ life which can have a negative effect on mental health.   Isolation from others and from a normal daily routine can…

Foods to Boost Your Immune System

Taking care of your immune system is always important, but even more so now as we face a global pandemic. Generally, your immune system does an amazing job of defending you against disease causing micro-organisms.  However, sometimes it fails, and infections can invade and take hold.  Your first line of defence is a healthy lifestyle…

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