
How do I fuel for Ironman triathlon?

The first month of any Ironman training program can be very intense and a bit of a shock to the system! Along with managing new training routines, you will be asking how do I fuel for Ironman? Coaches will often set long slow rides with the aim of building an aerobic base, so this is the perfect time to start learning how to fuel yourself so you can achieve peak performance.

man running

Ironman Nutrition Plan – how to fuel in training

Have you made the big step of entering your first Ironman, and started thinking, what next?! Or, you may already have an Ironman event or a few under your belt, but you haven’t had the perfect race yet that you know you’re capable of. It’s natural to enter a race and start training enthusiastically, before you realise quickly that you will need a lot of nutrition to fuel it all! Enter our Ironman Nutrition Plan with the essential steps you need to fuel for training; from electrolytes to carbohydrates we have it all covered here.

triathlete running with bike

Tokyo Bound – ft David Bryant

David Bryant is a sports dietitian at Catalyst Dietitian and long time Bindi triathlete. David is Tokyo bound to the 2021 Paralympics and is deep in his final preparation and training blocks. Tokyo with be hot and humid, and much of his training is centred around cutting edge heat acclimation techniques, including ‘pre-cooling’ with Bindi Slushies! Join us as we talk about the three things all athletes should be doing with their nutrition; sports drink slushies, caffeine and sourdough as he preps to get the best out of himself for the Toyko Olympics.

soccer player kicking ball

What are the signs of dehydration in kids?

It is important to know the signs of dehydration in kids and to respond quickly when your child has these symptoms. In this article we will explain the signs of dehydration you need to be aware of, plus one simple trick to check for dehydration yourself. We will also look at the best ways to rehydrate children and teens, depending on the severity and cause of dehydration.

man exercising

The best way to rehydrate

CSIRO recommends we eat two serves of fruit on a daily basis, but a whopping 93% of Australians are not meeting the daily target. There are plenty of people who quite simply don’t eat enough fruit. There are also many people who avoid fruit because it’s high in sugar. Fruit contains fructose, fructose is sugar, and we should all be avoiding too much sugar. Right?? Well, not exactly. Let’s take a look at sugar, and when to avoid it.

sugar in glass

Which sugars are good for you?

CSIRO recommends we eat two serves of fruit on a daily basis, but a whopping 93% of Australians are not meeting the daily target. There are plenty of people who quite simply don’t eat enough fruit. There are also many people who avoid fruit because it’s high in sugar. Fruit contains fructose, fructose is sugar, and we should all be avoiding too much sugar. Right?? Well, not exactly. Let’s take a look at sugar, and when to avoid it.

XC Skier

Dream the impossible – ft Casey Wright

It’s hard not to be inspired by Casey Wright, who loves nothing more than the challenge of high speed, high adrenalin XC skiing. Casey already has one Winter Olympics under her belt in 2018, and has her sights set firmly on 2022 in Beijing. Despite all the challenges that a winter sport throws up, Casey is fully motivated to being her best in every competition and training session. We loved hearing her story and supporting her training journey, and hope you will be inspired too…


What is the best type of protein?

One of the most common questions we are asked is ‘what is the best type of protein’? Protein is available in a number of food sources and you will find a variety of protein supplements to choose from on the market. This week we delve into some of the science so you can understand which is the the right one for you.


What does the future hold for hydration? | Bindi’s Triple Electrolyte Advantage©

The future of hydration is here with our Triple Electrolyte Advantage©. Electrolytes are quite simply, essential to life. They are minerals that carry an electric charge within liquids in the body such as blood. These electrolytes help regulate nerve and muscle function and maintain acid-base and water balance in the body. Essentially, they are responsible for controlling the shift of fluid in and out of cells in our body.

woman running

No human is limited – ft Katie Lovis

Katie is a dedicated and passionate ultra-runner from Margaret River. Not only does she love the sport herself, but she loves encouraging others to join through the Margaret River Trail Runner’s Association. Katie just completed the Margaret River Ultra in under 11 hours for the gruelling 80km and is quite the inspiration to many!

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